The lay of the land in the dating world is one filled with interesting twists and turns. It’s a constant learning process. I have been on enough coffee meet ups to nail any job interview I undergo ever again. How to be calm when you’re excited; how to remain composed when you can see how much fun you’re going to have within this role; how to be construct sentences when you’re nervous system is sparking all over the place; how to close out an interview when you can see you’re not suited for the position. The background work is pretty robust.
It’s come to light that the part that gets all screwy in the dating world for me is that I LOVE PEOPLE. The men I typically want to meet with are up to fun things in life, as are those who are near and dear to me. It seems that I need to recognise that there are more steps in dating between “Hi, I’m Hayley and you’re pretty cool” and “here are all of my friends who are also really cool and like to do activities”. Oops.
My inner golden retriever gets very confused when people don’t want to be friends and do fun things together.
This is pretty much my reaction as a wall of insight hit me between a meeting and my car…
What can I say? My enthusiasm is hard to reign in. The outcomes are always providing new ways to look at things.
Continue on.
Happy Wandering!