Oh life. It throws you a curve ball every now and again to check you’re still focused on playing the game. At work the other evening, doing my ‘Facilitator of Fun’ role, we had a fire alarm go off. That was a bit of a signal that this was going to be a different kind of night!
The electrician who came by to sort out our situation was beautiful, weaving a new level of enjoyment into my work evening (on top of all the beautiful people already in the gym – for the record). I have a natural level of flirt that is imbedded in my personality, a this was kicked up a notch or three in this man’s presence. Amongst doing my actual role, we were able to have brief chats about our dogs, his work, ‘report writing’ and banter in general. It came time for him to leave the building and me to return to facilitating fun with 100% focus, and I was left with a silly smile plastered across my face and a little skip in my step. It’s amazing the power a good connection with someone can have on your mood.
He came back. Asked me for my number and we had a beer. It was spontaneous and awesome.
Honestly, 48 hours of facial discomfort due to this smile that was plastered across my face based off one human. It was a wonderful feeling to revel in; to have someone who recognised the same spark come back and ask if they can see me again. All the buzz and lightness. I honestly turned into an awkward 16yo version of myself, which I kind of love. All the ‘adulting’ calm I’ve achieved right out the window.
The opportunity to share these moments of happiness with friends who have born witness to ridiculous date stories of shit flinging monkeys, counselling sessions on how to make friends as an adult, toe-nails that match his dog’s, the guys who ‘ghost’ rather than man up and say ‘no thanks’. As a single person in your 30’s, you do start to wonder what the hell is happening on the dating scene and what other kinds of endurance sports you should take up based on skill transference. Retelling this ‘meet cute’ story made a lot of girls make high pitched noises. It felt like permission to believe it could be a thing, that versions of what we are all seeking is out there in some form. It felt dream-esque; it was fricken wonderful.
Something happened. I don’t know if it was real life, if my adorable awkwardness wasn’t yet adorable? Life got in the way? Distance is too great? Time is too short? People are busy and life is full. Even writing that makes me a little sad. It’s a challenge to distance yourself from that level of connection (I haven’t experienced in years), developed in a randomly spontaneous moment (which are always my favourite) and not feel a sense of disappointment. Whatever it was/shall be, I’m glad it happened. Fleeting, yet an impact was made. The feeling has been ignited, the bar raised.
It’s simply the next logical step forward in this highly illogical world.
Life continues to be an adventure.
Happy Wandering!